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Catmint (Catnip) - Nepeta cataria

330 Seeds

Sow March - June.

Hardy perennial.

Height 1m (3ft), spread 60cm (2ft).

Prefers a well-drained, sandy soil in full sun or partial shade.

Sow in shallow drills in early spring. Cover with fine soil and water if dry. Transplant the seedlings when large enough to handle.

This type of mint has a tall, hairy, ridged, square stem with a pungent scent. The leaves are coarsely toothed, ovate and grey-green with downy undersides. Leaves grow in pairs opposite each other and have a penetration mint-like scent that is loved by cats. The flowers are mildly fragrant spikes of lavender-blue from late spring to early autumn. Attractive to bees.


SKU: HS016
  • Also know as Catnip, Catnep, Catrup, Catswart and Field Balm.

    From the family Lamiceae.

    The genus Nepeta may be derived from the Roman town of Nepeti, where catnip was valued and cultivated long ago. The colonists brought catnip to America and an American geographer listed it as a commercial crop in 1796. It has since escaped into the landscape. Some believe the plant is named after its ability to lure and charm felines. In the 17th century it was used in the treatment of barren women.

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