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Marigold, Pot - Calendula officinalis

50 Seeds

Sow March - April

Hardy annual.

Height and spread 30-60cm (1-2ft).

Can tolerate any soil and likes a sunny position.

Sow directly into a bed, border or box through the spring and summer. The seed is large and may be spaced apart so as not to require thinning. Will grow in any good, light, rich garden soil but prefers full sun. Add compost to soil if necessary, then more can be added once the plant is established, and if transplanted.
The plant is not tender to frost. Sow Marigold pot seeds directly into the garden in the spring in shallow drills or scatter the seed and rake in. Also can be grown in pots and window boxes outdoors. In mild areas, sow in the autumn for mid to late spring flowers.

Golden yellow or orange daisy-like single or double flowers, from spring to autumn. Mid-green aromatic sticky, lance-shaped leaves.

Marigold - Pot

SKU: HS036
  • Also known as Souci, Marybud, Bulls Eye, Holligold, Pot and Common Marigold

    From the family Asteraceae.

    A native of Central and Southern Europe and Asia. The Egyptians valued the Marigold as a rejuvenating herb and the Greeks and Persians garnished and flavoured food with its golden petals. The botanical name comes from the Latin 'calendae' meaning the first day of the month or little calender. Because their florets resemble rays of glory, marigolds were consecrated to the Virgin Mary. In Elizabethan England, women wore marigold garlands to banquets and bridals and marigold baskets were sent by gentlemen to the maidens they admired. In medieval times they were an emblem of love and used in spells that promised young maidens knowledge of whom they would marry. If they appeared in your dreams, they were an omen of good things to come. The term 'pot' refers to its use in the cooking pot. It is also a soothing antiseptic and an excellent skin healer.

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