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The Short-Haired Bumblebee was declared extinct in 2000, but since 2011 a successful reintroduction project has been underway in Dungeness in Southern England. The project has also been working to protect and improve local wild habitats, which has benefited a number of other local bumblebee species as well. Best scattered in Spring or Autumn. This mix includes 7 super bee friendly flowers: 

Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)

Height: 90cm
Flowers: June to August
Cornflowers are edible. They have a cucumber-like taste. Flowers can be consumed in the form of salad and tea, or used as a garnish.

Red Campion (Silene dioica)

A perennial with rose pink petals.
Height: 20-60cm
Flowers: March to November
Silenus the merry god of the woodlands in Greek mythology, gave his name to Silene dioica. The second part of its scientific name, dioica, means 'two houses', and refers to the fact that each Red Campion plant has flowers of one sex only, so that two plants are needed to make seeds.

Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)

Height: 30-90cm
Flowers: May to September
In Austria and Germany oxeye daisies were hung inside the house as it was believed they would repel lightning.

Wild Marjoram (Origanum vulgare)

Aromatic perennial with dark purple buds and pinkish purple flowers.
Height: 30-60cm
Flowers: April to November
The Wild Marjoram is not only a wildflower, but can also double up as a pretty damn tasty pizza topping, along with your very best sweet tomatoes!

Viper’s Bugloss (Echium vulgare)

A tall biennial (flowering stem grows in the second year) with incredibly blue flowers emerging from pink buds.
Height: 30-90cm
Flowers: June to September
If you’re looking to do something a little different with your echium, why not try growing a low blue hedge with it, or scatter it amongst paving slabs to soften the landscape and add a punch of colour.

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

Perennial with trefoil leaves and pinky red flowers. Good weed suppressor.
Height: 10-45cm
Flowers: May to September
The trifolium can help to break up heavy soil over time, plus it adds nitrogen to the soil, meaning healthy plants all round!

Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)

A perennial with clusters of yellow/orange pea like leaves.
Height: 15-25cm
Flowers: May to October
Lotus corniculatus is such a sunny little thing, why not try it mixed into your summer baskets and patio pots?

Short Haired Bumblebee Mix

SKU: SB007
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